Monday, June 30, 2014

A Few Simple Ideas With Pillsbury

This is an old idea, but it's not bad to share every single variation you do with this versatile ingredient; I know is not organic or natural as some people like to call them, but I thought it could nice to give a small idea for a quick dessert.

There are some places as Whole Foods that they sell the organic ingredients, but this is one of those things you can find in your fridge any time and be creative with the dough.  This is just an intro on how you can use the Pillsbury dough into creating different things, as the product is quite versatile.

Preparation time: 30 minutes.
Preheat oven in 350 F°


1) Pillsbury dough roll (or depending on your desired quantity.)
2) One Peanut Butter Jar.
3) One Guava (or any other fruit) paste bar, albeit using a real fruit, and cutting it in chunks is better.
4) One jar of Chocolate Spread.
5) Olive Oil.

As we are going to create a small mixed platter, we can combine the ingredients depending your taste, and also to create individually Pillsbury wraps.


The first thing you need to do is to preheat in 350 F° for about 10 minutes, or depending of the velocity of your oven.

The second thing you need to do, is to spread on a cooking surface olive oil. As I don't have some glass molds, one of my pans will do the work, but the best is to have a wide mold as it will make the snacks to cook evenly and don't touch with each other.

The next thing you need to do is to open the Pillsbury can, there is no big science behind that. You also will notice, that the dough is malleable, as Play-Do, and you can create different forms for your pastries besides the regular one that is triangular shaped.

We are going to create a mixed snack, one half will have chocolate spread and the other one will have peanut butter For the first half we are going to open it as the regular triangle, and then we are going to fold it over his radius.

Then we are going to put some peanut butter on the top. At the end you will fold it from right to left, creating an oblique pattern. Whenever you wrap them, try to cover both sides with the olive oil, on one side they won't stick and the upper section will be a little bit crispier.

Talking about using the guava paste, this gave me an idea for a letter recipe, the next one I am going to do is going to be a little bit more complex than this one over here, as I plan to create the dough from scratch as well creating something more traditional towards the Hispanic culture and the use of fruits as natural candies; but in the meantime this is just a quick version.

With the guava paste, you can do the exact same thing as if you were filling the Pillsbury dough with chocolate, but don't overloaded it, just place enough in the middle so won't overflow, and slowly roll it up from the left side to the right, up to the point you have a shape similar to a croissant.

Don't feel scare of creating different shapes and sizes, that's the fun thing of letting your imagination flow. After the oven is ready and preheated, placed them inside, on the lower shelve so they will be closed to the heat and the time cooking time will be perfect.

It will take around 15 minutes to be the properly cooked.

After the proper time, check that the crust is golden, and the interior is fully even with the color, then they are ready to eat. Enjoy.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Tips To Live When you Have no Credit Line on Your Name, Part One

Lately, on the last three decades global, economics had been on a shift turning the powers that be into a lesser influential economical power houses. America's economy is diverging into the wrong cycles, because we are investing into corporations that destroy local businesses. Also, different situations beyond the shaky economy can turn a person's credit into a small catastrophe.

You probably think, it will be impossible to recover.? The answer is no, is not impossible to recover, albeit you have to make certain sacrifices, is not impossible to live without credit; but, I am aiming this article to single individuals, as I am planning to research a little bit more on how to handle home economics in times of crisis for large families.

Imagine the worst scenario; life as you know it had crumbled, there is a chance that you will lose everything (that happened to me, I lost my car and my credit line). Panicking is not an option, you will need a plan, and reorganizing your life is a must priority and you will need to think what to do.

Your income will be based on what you earn, there is no extra help, food is a must priority and you have to organize what you will spend on your grocery budget. Couponing will be your best friend. Don't think using supplemental food programs sponsored by the government, because those programs will keep placing the country in debt as they are sponsored and officiated by banks as CHASE and the CITY group and that money won't go to the cycle of virtue, that will be invested into public infrastructure.

Use those sponsored programs unless is absolutely necessary, whenever you don't have a choice they will be a life saver, as most stores and gas stations accept Food Stamps, EBT, or SNAPS in order to you to acquire food, also there are some programs that are beyond food and offer the citizen money to use.

You can invest into coupons because then you can stockpile, and avoid shopping for items and spending unnecessary money. Whatever you can stock it will be a saving.

If you are at college or university find what option the school has in order to froze your account, or in a lesser case to see how much financial aid you can get. Financial Aid is a tricky shot, it can be your best friend and it can be your worst enemy, because on a long term it's just a stack on a debt that will hunt you for at least 15 years, depending on what kind of program you went to.

Using financial aid could be OK, at the same time if you can pay during the semester for your tuition and use less than 2% of the financial aid for your academical expenses, you won't be screwed on a long term. Work and study can be difficult but it can be beneficial. I am talking all these without the use of a credit card, and barely using any form of financial aid.

Of course there are some ways to get a credit card, with a small amount, such as getting a secured credit card from your bank institution, where you will pay a base fee and from there you can have an extra help. Think on the worse case scenario, where you need to know what to do if everything else fails. Check the bus routes as well the taxi fares, and you are probably wondering why.? Buses on several cities across the States have programs for university students, where students can get as little as US¢.25 to no cost at all; taxis over the seasons can offer discounts as well to different schedules, not in all the cities but you can find if there's any way you can move forward back and forth, without reducing your work schedule.

Don't by any high end electronics by first hand, try to see on refurbished items, they are usually cheaper, and don't spend money on any product that cost over US$200; with what you can spend with an iPhone you can get it and buy at least one week worth of meals at your job, pay your house bills as well buy some decent groceries. You probably will try to get a line of credit at a store, to pay quotes for any high-end purchase but honestly speaking they won't give it to you unless you can prove you have a credit line.