Monday, November 24, 2014

GMO OMG What A Fucking Piece of Shit Filled With Misinformation and Woo

What a delightful piece of demagogy and shit; I never spent more than fifty minutes of my life trying to find enjoyable, the rants and how a parent try to pass his woo crazy ideas to his children. 

What I see in this movie was a parent (Jeremy Seifter) developing an fear and possible an eating disorder, that would affect his three children as well his wife, due to his fear on food. As more I'd kept seeing people as Jeremy who had never traveled abroad or being homeless (yes, I saw Dive and keeps my idea that people as him or the Food Babe or Modern Alternative Mama, are morons who put their business on fear and misinformation in order to sell their spread their message and earn money in the process).

One aspect that many of us know around the #shillarmy, is that people who move in the woo such as the aforementioned ones, are extremely photogenic, and that's the main reason they appeal to the general public, even if their messages are filled with bullshit.

Jeremy Seifter
I am going to assume that Mr. Seifter much as the other ones have no fucking clue about what is to be hungry, or without  roof, or to sleep in a car, in order to start critiquing every single food on the idea that all GMO's cause cancer, autism or some other consequence they can't refute, because they aren't doctors or physicians.

The day all of these morons, spend more than a week on the worse conditions, they will learn their so called cause is just a waste of time.

Why to promote that if you can't afford organics, to eat less.? That's promoting a selective human cleansing; or as well why to promote the idea of organics as a healthy aspect of food.? When they aren't, they are just a marketing strategy to sell "healthy stuff" to people, and make the products look "clean"

I wouldn't recommend to see this movie, even if you can download it from Pirate's Bay for free, it is just a big waste of time.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Chicken Crepes with Alfredo Sauce

Chicken Crepes with Alfredo Sauce
Hello my dear readers; continuing our topic with pastries let's going to a simple but yet delicious recipe, chicken crepes with Alfredo sauce; in another entry we are going to do some vegan crepes, but for now we are going to know how to make them in a really simple way.


* Organic wheat flour, 1-cup
* 1 teaspoon of Organic Cane Sugar
* 1/4 teaspoon of Kosher salt.
* 3 eggs.
* 2 cups of milk.
* 2 tablespoons butter, melted.
* 1 cup of any Alfredo sauce that you like 
* A hint of cheese on the top.
* Sliced chicken.

Preparation of the batter.

The mix.
It is quite simple. The flour, sugar and salt, are all going to be mixed in one separate bowl. In another bowl, add the milk and the eggs. Mix the egg and the milk with an electric mixer, until the mixture is smooth, and there aren't any residues on the bottom of the bowl.

After the eggs are incorporated into the milk, add the flour, sugar an salt. The melted butter is going to be added at the end, and all the ingredients are going are going to be mixed with the electric mixer, as we did before, there shouldn't be any residues on the bottom of the bowl.

You have to know, you have to pur as little as possible, but you have the cover the entire surface of the pan. Think that you are making a napkin, that's how as thick the mix should be.

The mix is going to cook in about five minutes; if you don't have a big spatula, in order to place it on the dish, just flip the pan into the dish, and the crepe will fall on the plate.

In another pan, you can fry the chicken as soon it is hot. When the chicken is getting ready, that you know is crispy then add the Alfredo sauce; but, when you are placing the chicken inside the crepe, don't pass any of the sauce inside the pan, just the chicken with the flavor.

Chicken Creepe With Alfredo Sauce
When the chicken is placed in the middle; just fold the crepe over itself. Place some Alfredo sauce on the top, the sauce can be heated on the microwave, as well the cheese without melting them.

That's it, it's not difficult and you can do different combinations that satisfy your taste.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Simple y Sencilla Receta de Pizza

Pizza Casera
Mis queridos lectores; ha pasado tiempo desde que escribí en Español, pero tengo que admitir que las ultimas semanas he estado algo ocupado. He decidido avanzar en este proyecto y tratar de publicar a diario alguna que otra receta pero lo más importante hacer cosas que sean fáciles.

He decido organizar mis recetas por temas, desde el día de hoy vamos a tratar el tema de la panadería.

No hay nada más delicioso que comer pizza, y no tiene que ser complicado en hacerla, es mas no es tan complicado en hacer pizza casera.



1 1/2 copas de agua.
1/4 copa de aceite de oliva
3 1/2 cupas de harina de trigo.
1 cucharada sopera de azucar
1 1/2 cucharada de te de sal kosher
2 cucharaditas de te de levadura.
Salsa de pizza al gusto.

Items que Necesitaras

Maquina para hacer pan.

Mi gente; hacer pizza en la casa no ha sido mas fácil desde que existen las maquinas para hacer pan. Muchas de estas maquinas, tienen la opción de exclusivamente hacer la masa de los panes, y uno después puede moldearlas a su gusto. De los ingredientes que vamos a usar, el esencial es la salsa para las pizzas, pero en la próxima entrada les voy a mostrar mi receta casera, que no es tan difícil de hacer.

La mayoría de las maquinas de pan, siempre tienen el orden de poner el liquido primero, luego los ingredientes secos y luego al final la levadura. Si uno quiere hacer la masa desde cero, tampoco es tan arduo pero si consume tiempo. Para eso necesitaran una tablilla para amasar, harina, y los ingredientes en dicho orden.

A me me gusta poner la tablilla con aceite para que la masa no se pegue; y en el centro esparcir la harina en forma circular, dejando un hueco en el medio donde depositare los elementos líquidos, dejando como ultimo la levadura. El proceso es sencillo empezar amasar en sentido del reloj, hasta que se tenga una masa suave, y agregando poco a poco algo de agua en caso de que la masa quede seca, cuando al final se tenga la consistencia adecuada ahi se agrega la levadura a la mezcla.

 Hay diferentes tipos de levadura, en mi caso la que me gusta es la de Hodgson Mill que es la misma que están viendo en la foto. La levadura en este caso la preparo independientemente a la mezcla, no importa si la estoy haciendo en la maquina o a mano.

Recuerden, uno siempre puede encontrar la que le parezca mejor y la que dé el sabor indicado a la pizza o a la mezcla de pan que uno esté haciendo.

Esta levadura se hace disolviendo en 1/4 taza de agua tibia y 1/4 cucharadita de azúcar, pero hay que deducir  las copas de agua del liquido que hay en la receta. 

La mezcla comenzara a burbujear alrededor de cinco minutos, esa es la garantía que la levadura esta activa y viva. Cuando se mezcle la levadura con la masa deje que se asiente alrededor de 8 a diez minutos.

Pizza Con Queso
Dependiendo del tipo de pizza que quieras, si es la Bostoniana de masa gruesa o la de masa delgada vas agregar la cantidad de masa por el volumen, recuerden que la levadura va hacer que la masa se expanda, por eso no se puede poner demasiado de la masa en el horno o de otra manera no tendrán pizza.

Cuando, pongan la masa en el sartén, no se olviden de expandirla en sentido del reloj, lo que sobre, guárdenlo en una bolsa plástica en la nevera y tendrán  masa de pizza por lo menos para una semana.

El horno precaliéntelo en 400F ( a mis amigos con Celsius, les pido disculpa por mi flojera, pero hagan la conversión ustedes), la pizza no tiene que ser perfectamente redonda, pongan en el centro y sáquenlo en contrarreloj sin tocar los bordes, la salsa de pizza, y en el tope ponga queso al gusto.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Can the Middle-Class American Survive Buying Organics.?

Frozen Organic Green Beans
The answer is no. I been doing an experiment for the last month, that I am not repeating, trying to maximize my income when buying organics, and the results aren't as catastrophic as I would imagine but there are other solutions to buy food, go where the savings are.

There is no proof that organics are healthier; they are just a trend as everything else that is on the market, but is worth trying if you have the chance, as you can see the variety of products that are there for the consumers.

The problem is, whenever you eat a product that has a philosophy, you are paying for the philosophy or the cartoon, whenever you can find the conventional product on a supermarket for a lower price and it will be as equally good.

My experiment started on the 10/03/2014 and ended today (11/03/2014), My median is US$13.000 annually and I don't have any children; so is only me and my better half. Taking out the fluctuating electric bill, water, gas and other expenses we barely have US$70.00 for food, and no we do not have food stamps.

Organics are usually twice as expensive, sometimes they contain the same amount but you pay more (and this is not an issue quality over quantity) and sometimes you are just paying for the envelop or container; while some private regular brands cost a quarter of the prices. If we go on anecdotal evidence, I went to a small farmers market organized by the Whole Foods in the area, first time I ever go to one, it was tiny and only had 14 tents in a really cramped space, A dozen eggs at Wal-Mart I would pay US$2.00 even at Publix or Windixie; but why I decided to pay US$6.00 besides helping the local business, or a from a farm that is not far away from my house that I never heard before.? The answer is simple, I wanted to try and get the perceptions on why people do it, why they pay more for essentially the message.?

It's because exclusivity and lack of literacy; even with money, consumers can be ignorant and they can go for any alarmist trends, that will persuade them to buy less and pay more, such as paying attention to the Food Babe or Natural News (which I am starting to believe is almost as the Daily Currant, and is been trolling people for quite a while now.)

Middle-Class America can't afford it, it's ridicule, you can go and take a look and you will see how many people flood a Walmart to a less conventional one that sells the philosophy of organics; it's unrealistically speaking, that a mother or a single father of one or two, would be able to buy a US¢99 lbs organic bananas, that they can't split and they have to buy whole, considering that there are two pounds, the consumer will be paying with a 7% taxes around US$9.97 for measly two pounds; which by that amount you can buy at least 10 frozen meals plus taxes.

Would I continue buying some organics.? Yes, there are some products that I had enjoy such as dark chocolate, but nothing would change my perception of ingesting in a frenzy a really heavy greasy pizza; but, what about the people who are involved in this trend, that they see it as an ultimate truth.? One day they will see what is about.